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15 May 2020

738 applications were submitted under the Business Development and Innovation Programme within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 (NMF)

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development informs that 738 applications were submitted under the four grant schemes for the total amount of support over PLN 1.2 billion. Among those applications 155 concerned projects planned to be implemented in partnerships with Norwegian entities. Call for proposals lasted 4 months: from 7th of January 2019 to 14th of May 2020.

The following number of applications were submitted under the individual schemes:

All the submitted applications will be verified in terms of meeting the formal conditions, then the projects described in the applications will be assessed following the project selection criteria.

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Opublikowano: 15.05.2020 15:34
Poprawiono: 15.05.2020 13:38
Modyfikujący: Konrad Zdanowski
Udostępniający: Konrad Zdanowski
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