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Measuring the Pulse of Firms the COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey (COV-BPS) - Poland

Rodzaj publikacji: Report

Rok wydania: 2020

Język: EN

Pobierz wybrany format publikacji:

Zobacz: Zasady korzystania z publikacji PARP

Polish enterprises from different business sectors have been affected by the lockdown restrictions and the general drop in demand. According to the COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey for Poland, completed by the World Bank and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED), 69 percent of the population of Polish micro, small and medium enterprises have lately reported a drop in sales. Despite those headwinds, the enterprises have not given up, and they have focused on the solutions that can help them weather the crisis. To date, two-thirds of the enterprises have benefited from public support schemes. In addition, the application of digital tools for business processes has been introduced or intensified by 32 percent of the enterprises. Only 4 percent of the enterprises declared that they were forced to lay off personnel.

Spis treści

  • Measuring the Pulse of Firms the COVID-19 Business Pulse Survey (COV-BPS) - Poland

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